Everything You Need to Know About Choosing The Perfect Fragrance
Let me preface by saying that there is no perfect fragrance , what I mean by the perfect fragrance is choosing the right fragrance for you. Perfumes are like anything else meaning almost every person will have a different reaction to the same product, and shopping for perfumes unfortunately is largely decided by the look of the perfume bottle and the price of the product, and the most obvious reason for buying a perfume which is the scent is often overlooked or deemed relatively unimportant in the choosing process. Below we will provide you with a questioning process that will help you better understand your scent needs. The 1st question to better understand this should be: What is my style or aesthetic that I am leaning towards? Is it bold, modern, artsy, cheery, business casual, elegant, or chic? The style choices are almost endless but truly decoding and understanding your everyday aesthetic can help a lot in the perfume picking process. The second question aiding in this p...